Singer Pavilion: Honoring Legacy Through Adaptive Design

The Exhibition

Singer Pavilion: Honoring Legacy Through Adaptive Design lays out the history of Chicago’s Singer Pavilion and investigates opportunities for its creative reuse. Co-designed by famed Bauhaus architect Walter Gropius, Singer is the sole remnant of the former Michael Reese Hospital campus and a future anchor for the 48-acre Bronzeville Lakefront megadevelopment. Spurred by Farpoint Development, architecture studio classes from the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee collaborated on inspired visions for the pavilion’s next life.

Singer Pavilion: Honoring Legacy Through Adaptive Design is on view February 17 through March 2023. 

This exhibition is part of the Chicago Architecture Center's 2023 celebration of Black History Month. More information about the Center's suite of programming throughout the month can be found here.