
Updated spring hours: Center and Design Store open 7 days a week, 10AM - 5PM.

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City Tours

Rated as the best tours in Chicago. Our expert docents will guide you by boat, bus, train or on foot and share the stories behind the buildings.

Rated as the best tours in Chicago. Our expert docents will guide you by boat, bus, train or on foot and share the stories behind the buildings.

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    Voted #1 Boat Tour in the US

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    6 best tours and walks in Chicago

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    #1 Chicago Boat Tour for 10+ years

If you encounter any difficulties booking a tour online, please contact us at 312.922.3432. Our call center is available daily from 9 AM to 4 PM.

Tour type
  • Graphic of boat

    boat tours FAQ

  • graphic of person walking

    walking & bus tour faq

People walking down a city street on a tour. The photo has a red overlay. People walking down a city street on a tour. The photo has a red overlay.

discounted tour pricing for members

Free essential walking tours, 66% off premier walking tours, invitations to exclusive members-only events, and more.

See All Benefits
person with red arrow icon

accessibility & safety

The Chicago Architecture Center welcomes all visitors and is committed to making its offerings feel safe and accessible to everyone.

See accessibility and safety options
Visitors at the CenterVisitors at the Center

Looking for more to do?

Check out our calendar to see everything happening at the CAC beyond city tours
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